IT Consultant Ronald Kister has been an asset to the IT
community for over 15 years, not only as the current client-focused IT
Specialist and Owner of RKJ Consulting, but also as a former Technology Teacher
and IT professional for the Harborfields Central School District. Kister’s IT
expertise and experience is extensive, and has benefitted numerous organizations,
professionals and students throughout the course of his career.
However, Ronald Kister is not just a longtime IT professional;
he is also an experienced and accomplished lifeguard, someone that has
dedicated himself to the position of Lifeguard Captain for nearly 20 years. As
such, Kister understands how important it is to stay alert, to be ever-vigilant
and to keep an ever-watchful eye on everything and everyone within his purview.
Basic tips for lifeguarding beginners include:
Establishing a Zone. It’s important to know the perimeter and
the parameters of the zone you are to survey before beginning your shift.
Knowing How and Where to Scan. There are two basic types of
scanning: Side-to-Side and Top-to-Bottom. Side-to-Side includes surveillance of
your zone from the rightmost point to the leftmost point and back, while
Top-to-Bottom includes close scrutiny of everything from the skyline on down.
Learning the Signals. When working as part of a lifeguarding
team, it’s crucial to be able to communicate over long distances. Establishing
and using various signals to indicate safety, danger and so on helps establish
a cooperate and more effective lifeguarding environment.
Ronald Kister was a Lifeguard Captain from 1994 to 2013.