Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Ronald Kister: What’s Entailed in Successful Project Management

Ronald Kister knows the complexities, and the challenges, often involved in project management, having provided oversight and leadership of numerous team-oriented projects throughout his professional career. The former Levittown Public Schools Director of Technology and Library Media Services, Kister is well-versed in not only defining project goals and setting team expectations, but also in preparing those involved with the information and tools needed to see a complex project through to successful completion.

As Ronald Kister knows, every project, regardless of the size or scope, entails a certain number of phases. Each step, when followed and executed correctly, provides the platform needed for moving forward and onto the next.

Each project begins with its conception, as well as the analysis needed to determine its benefits/cost to the organization and the time it will take to reach completion.

Outline and Planning
Next comes the outline and definition phase, where the plan is constructed, a budget is calculated, a schedule outlined and resources determined.

Initiation and Execution
At this point in the project, tasks and resources are assigned accordingly. Responsibilities are defined and team members begin execution of the project.

Quality Control and Performance Evaluation
Those responsible for management of the project must work to ensure it is in concert with the schedule and budget. In other words, project managers must compare and contrast the progress of the project with the initial plan, and to make adjustments whenever necessary.

Close and Evaluation

The final phase of any project is its completion, followed shortly thereafter with an evaluation to determine its ultimate success, efficiency, etc.