Ronald Kister is an information technology consultant who
founded his own company, RKJ Consulting, after several years of working for
public schools in the State of New York.
Being an information technology consultant is difficult. “It
takes enthusiastic, innovative and decisive leadership to effectuate technology
excellence,” he says. Here are some useful tips for people looking to the
industry for possible careers.
Start learning the field in college. If you’re serious about a
career in information technology, you should consider getting at least an
undergraduate degree in the field. The industry is vast, and it takes years to
be able to work professionally. Study as much as you can while in undergraduate
school, and you may even want to consider getting a more specific advanced
degree after.
Keep up to date with industry changes. Technology is a field that
changes all the time, and you have to be ready before those changes even make a
difference. Follow the trends of the industry, and learn about the updates
before they come out so that you know how they can apply to you. Also, be ready
to update the technology you use, not just the software, so you can provide for
your clients.
Learn how to communicate with others. Communication is the key
to success in information technology, especially if you’re trying to be a
consultant. Chances are you’ll know more about the field than your clients, so
you need to be able to communicate on their level in order to know just exactly
what their needs are.
Ronald Kister tries his best to keep up to date with the
ever-changing industry, and to communicate with his clients.